Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G cheaper than ever on Black Friday weekend!

Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G cheaper than ever on Black Friday weekend!

The Samsung Galaxy A52 is one of the most popular Android smartphones. Recently, a new version was launched with the Galaxy A52s 5G, which is even better and is now even being sold for almost the same price.

Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G falling in price

Update from November 27th, 2021: Samsung has just made the Galaxy A52s even cheaper in its own shop: the 128 GB version costs only 299 euros , the 256 GB version 359 euros . Absolute best prices!

Original article:

In mid-August 2021, Samsung surprisingly presented an improved version of its "people's cell phone" Galaxy A52: the new version is called the Galaxy A52s 5G . According to the recommended retail price, it costs 449 euros, but it was also available for 379 euros in the meantime. Now the device is available at MediaMarkt (see in the shop) and Saturn (see in the shop) in different colors at the new best price - you only have to pay 333 euros for it, free shipping. In connection with the MediaMarkt newsletter or the Saturn newsletter, you as a new customer even save an extra 10 euros.

What makes the Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G so special?

Samsung has made the Galaxy A52s 5G much more powerful by changing the processor. The Galaxy A52 5G already ran fast in our test, and now the cell phone should become a real high-flyer .

The many advantages of the smartphone remain unaffected. It is still waterproof and protected against dust, has a high-resolution camera that takes good pictures, a large battery that can be charged quickly, and a large display with 120 Hz. Nobody needs more smartphones .

In the video we show you the previous Samsung Galaxy A52 5G:

What is Samsung's update policy?

As with all newer Samsung smartphones, Samsung's update guarantee applies. Smartphones are provided with large and small Android updates for a total of four years. So it means that with the Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G you buy an absolutely future-proof smartphone . It already supports 5G and has been supplied with Android updates for a long time. Here you have peace for the next four years.


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