Apple kicks out the iPhone: The plan comes to light

Apple kicks out the iPhone: The plan comes to light

The days of the iPhone are numbered, according to a report Apple simply wants to replace the most important product in the future. When will this be? Apple insider and expert Ming-Chi Kuo already knows the plan and knows when we can expect this step.

Replace iPhone? What initially sounds unbelievable should actually become true in the future. Months ago, Ming-Chi Kuo revealed the current state of affairs in a report. As a result, Apple plans to replace the iPhone with an AR device (augmented reality) in nine or ten years (source: 9to5Mac).

The year 2031: Apple wants to replace the iPhone with AR

But before that happens, Apple still has one important milestone to reach . Kuo points out:

"There are currently more than a billion active iPhone users. If Apple's goal is to replace the iPhone with AR in 10 years, that means Apple needs to sell at least 1 billion AR devices in 10 years."

The prerequisite for this is, of course, that such an AR headset will work independently of the iPhone and iPad for the foreseeable future.

"If the AR headset is only positioned as an accessory for the Mac or the iPhone, it is not conducive to the growth of the product. An AR headset that works independently means it has its own ecosystem and offers the most comprehensive and flexible user experience."

Coincidence or Providence? We have already foreseen exactly Apple's plan now described in this article:

Apple's first mixed reality headset in the works

According to Kuo, the first step in this direction will be taken by the end of 2022 to mid-2023, when Apple wants to introduce the first AR/VR headset . It is said to have two processors, with the high-end chip being similar to the current M1, while the second chip would also be responsible for sensor control.

What is mixed reality? The explanation follows in the video:

In order to also support VR applications, the mixed reality headset from Apple will have two 4K displays (Micro-OLED) from Sony, to handle their performance would require the M1-like chip. There have been reports before that the ominous Apple headset would feature the new Wi-Fi 6e.


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