Banned by Apple: What Studio Display customers are not allowed to do themselves

Banned by Apple: What Studio Display customers are not allowed to do themselves

Anyone who chooses the new Apple Studio Display faces a major problem, because customers can no longer undo their choice of stand and display mount. Well, at least they're not allowed to do it themselves. And there is also a ban on another detail. However, for an understandable, yet bizarre reason.

If you use the standard version of the Apple Studio Display, you get a simple, tilt-adjustable stand - we already know this from the iMac with a 24-inch display. Alternatively, there is also a version with a VESA adapter at no extra charge, but you don't get the normal stand, so you can't convert it later and you'll definitely need a wall mount or VESA arm. And then there's the luxury version with a tilt and height-adjustable stand - but it also costs a whopping 460 euros extra . The mechanics are familiar from the expensive Apple Pro Display XDR, but the stand costs more than twice as much there.

Apple Studio Display: Only qualified technicians are allowed to convert

Normally you cannot buy the stand or the VESA adapter afterwards and convert it accordingly. Apple doesn't want this, the customer isn't allowed to. However, this is not entirely true, because according to internal Apple documents, Apple and service partners certified by Apple can very well modify the base and suspension of the Apple Studio Display at a later date, and an upgrade is not ruled out. Only the buyers themselves are not allowed to do this (source: MacRumors).

The Apple Studio Display already looks chic:

Of course, this service costs extra, how much is currently not known in detail. The corresponding kits are only available for certified technicians and are explicitly not sold through the Apple Online Store. According to MacRumors, actual prices then vary by region, the type of stand or mount being installed, and labor costs. In short: It will probably be very expensive.

Replacing the power cord: Forbidden!

The second Apple ban targets the Apple Studio Display power cord. According to Apple, this is permanently connected to the monitor and cannot be changed. More precisely: It may not be exchanged by the customer. If you do it anyway, you risk damaging the display. However, qualified technicians are also allowed to work here, but they have to use a specific tool to do so.

The so-called power cord removal tool is pretty crazy, as "Stella - Fudge" revealed on Twitter. It is a mixture of cable reel and handle. A bizarre construction, but absolutely necessary. It is true that various users have already loosened the power cable in this way, using a corresponding amount of force, but this is not recommended, as there is a risk of loss of warranty in the event of damage.

So let's summarize: Apple's customers are not allowed to pull the power cable from the device themselves with the new Studio Display or mount a bracket or a stand. Both are forbidden, only trained specialists are allowed to do this - awesome.


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