{Disarmed} Huawei P60 Pro Concept Renders [Video]

Huawei P60 Pro renders

Now there is a first concept rendering for the next Huawei P series flagship - the P60 Pro. It could look like this if the designer wanted it, but as is the case with concept renders, in the end the final smartphone will be significantly different.

The Huawei P60 Pro concept render shows the phone with curved edges on the left and right sides, similar to the Huawei P50 Pro. The phone has physical buttons on the right side. On the back is a huge camera system consisting of quad cameras as well as LED flash and color sensor.

Huawei P60 Pro Launch?

Huawei is currently busy selling the Huawei P50 Pro and P50 Pocket in the global markets. And this will still take quite a while, so it can be assumed that we will have to wait a long time for a possible Huawei P60 Pro.

So it can be assumed that the Huawei P60 (Pro) will be presented later this year in China and then probably globally in 2023.

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The Huawei P60 Pro concept renders [video] post appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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