{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy A53 5G in the unboxing video before the release

Samsung Galaxy A53 5G white & black

If there's one thing Apple does better than Samsung, it's keeping its devices under wraps until they're officially unveiled. Samsung held one of the most boring Unpacked events earlier this year because every single product had already been leaked multiple times. And it keeps going.

The promotional posters for the upcoming Awesome Galaxy A Event were leaked yesterday, and now you can see the upcoming Samsung Galaxy A53 5G itself in all its glory in the unboxing video leaked below. How did this device get past Samsung's security measures? No one knows, and Samsung doesn't seem to care either.

A word of warning before you hit play, especially for headphone users: the video starts with loud noises. Just turn the volume down before you want to take a look at the Galaxy A53 5G.

So if you want to know what to expect inside the box when you buy the upcoming Galaxy A53 5G, look no further, the video will show you. In order to save the voltage, the device does not come with a charger either.

Samsung will present the Galaxy A53 5G on March 17, but there are likely to be more leaks in the next few days.

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The post Samsung Galaxy A53 5G in the unboxing video before the release first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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