{Disarmed} Sony PlayStation 5 Pro has significantly more power under the hood

Sony PlayStation 5

There is some exciting information about the upcoming Sony PlayStation 5 Pro. It is clear that the second edition of the NextGen console will have significantly more power under the hood. A significantly stronger graphics chip and an alternative to Nvidia Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) developed by Sony should be on board.

Currently, Sony cannot even meet the demand for the Play Station 5. Nevertheless, people are already busy working on a new edition or improved model called PlayStation 5 Pro. But we still have to be patient a little.

It is unlikely that the PS5 Pro will be presented before the end of 2023 or early 2024. But the wait should be worth it, because the first rumors speak of twice the power and 2.5x better optimization for ray tracing. This should then be able to display significantly more games in native 4K resolution and with higher frame rates.

But these are still rumours, albeit exciting ones. But maybe in the next few months Sony will let us take a first official look at the PlayStation 5 Pro?

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The post Sony PlayStation 5 Pro has significantly more power under the hood first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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