{Disarmed} This is how I have managed to ensure that the videos recorded with my Xiaomi do not come out blurred without using any type of stabilizer

This is how I have managed to ensure that the videos recorded with my Xiaomi do not come out blurred without using any type of stabilizer

Over the last few years, many users use their phones to record video and share it through their social networks, so it is extremely important to obtain the best possible recording quality in order to offer the most professional content possible.

Unfortunately, not all of us have high-end phones with optical stabilizers integrated into the lens or even physical stabilizers that keep what we record with the phone firm, but don't worry, because in this post we are going to teach you a little trick that you are going to be able to carry out and be able to stabilize your captures quickly, easily and, above all, effectively.

So you can easily stabilize the videos recorded with your mobile

In order to put this tool into practice, we will have to use the well-known Google Photos app that most of us will have installed on our mobile device, although, if that is not the case, we can always download it completely free of charge from Play Google store .

{"videoId":"x85cr8y","autoplay":true,"title":"EL MEJOR MÓVIL de Xiaomi en 2021 - Comparativa CALIDAD PRECIO"}

Once installed, this application will allow us with a simple touch to be able to stabilize any video that we have recorded with our mobile phone , all done digitally but yielding a truly surprising result in shots that are quite shaky.

In order to use this option you will only have to:

Stabilize Video

  • Open the Google Photos app on your Xiaomi phone
  • Once inside, select the video you want to stabilize and, at the bottom of the screen, click on "Edit"
  • Once inside, you will have to select the icon that appears on the left side of the interface and, once the stabilization process has finished, click on "Save copy"

How to disable the automatic backup of Google Photos on your Xiaomi mobile
In xiaomist
How to disable the automatic backup of Google Photos on your Xiaomi mobile

(function() { window._JS_MODULES = window._JS_MODULES || {}; var headElement = document.getElementsByTagName( head )[0]; if (_JS_MODULES.instagram) { var instagramScript = document.createElement( script ); instagramScript.src = ; instagramScript.async = true; instagramScript.defer = true; headElement.appendChild(instagramScript); } })();

The news This is how I managed to ensure that the videos recorded with my Xiaomi do not come out blurred without using any type of stabilizer was originally published in xiaomist by Daniel Vega .


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