EU regulation: Why changing the battery is important - xiaomist Insights

EU regulation: Why changing the battery is important - xiaomist Insights

For years there has been a discussion about how to deal with permanently installed batteries in the EU. Now a solution seems to be getting closer and faster than expected. You can find out that and what else happened this week in this issue of xiaomist Insights.

The topics at a glance:

EU: Electronics only with exchangeable battery

According to a plan that the EU Parliament approved this week, batteries should no longer be permanently installed in electronics from 2024. This applies to smaller devices such as smartphones and tablets, but also electric toothbrushes, e-scooters and e-bikes.

There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, they want to make it easier for users in the EU to repair devices with defective batteries themselves.

On the other hand, the topic of recycling batteries will become increasingly important in the future. You can find out why in the xiaomist Insights, you can find the video at the top of the article.

BSI warns of Kaspersky

The Federal Office for Information Security, BSI for short, is currently warning of Kaspersky's anti-virus software. The reason for this is not current gaps in the program, but possible future problems. Since Kaspersky is a Russian company, one cannot currently be sure that the Russian government does not want to use Kaspersky's installation base to access user data, which can be particularly worrying when used in critical infrastructure.

Windows explorer with ads

All sorts of functions end up in the Windows Insider Previews that may or may not make it into the next version of Windows. This week, testing of a very specific feature came to light: advertising in Windows Explorer. However, Microsoft has since backtracked.

As always, you can find out all this and more in the video.


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