For Android 13: Google is bringing back an old cult feature

For Android 13: Google is bringing back an old cult feature

Android 13 returns a small but useful feature that was actually abandoned years ago: Access to apps is made easier. Google would also like to take care of better app multitasking.

Android 13: Taskbar with access to app drawer

While there is still a long way to go before Android 13 is released, the second developer preview is already available. Here you can see that Google will take over some functions from Android 12L. According to the current state of knowledge, an old Android feature is also likely to make a comeback. As with Android 7.1, the Android 13 taskbar allows easy and direct access to the installed apps. Mishaal Rahman shows what that looks like on Twitter:

However, the app drawer in the taskbar will probably not always be visible, and not on all cell phones. Apparently they have to be screens with at least 600 dpi . Access is only allowed when users are in an app. In the future, it will still be sufficient to swipe up on the home screen to get to the app drawer.

In the developer preview for Android 13 , another change is having a positive impact. Notifications can be held a little longer to then open them in a split-screen view. This allows better multitasking. The change can also be found in Android 12L, the Android for large displays.

You can see what has changed with the current Android 12 here:

Android 13: First beta version is just around the corner

After the first two previews, Google will start the beta phase for Android 13 in April. Four beta versions are expected before the final release. It is not yet clear when exactly Android 13 will be released. Later than usual, Android 12 was released in October 2021. With previous versions, Google had often chosen September as the release month.


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