GTA 6: official announcement coming soon, release expected at the end of 2024

Grand Theft Auto GTA VI

Last month, Rockstar officially confirmed that GTA 6 is in development. This pretty much aligns with previous speculation and rumors about the game. Although Rockstar has not yet announced any official details about GTA 6's release date, development, story, characters or setting, leakers managed to dig up and share some information about the game. Rockstar Mag creator Chris Klippel has revealed that the development of GTA 6 has reached an important milestone.

Klippel said: "An important milestone in the development of #GTA6 has just been reached. Things should accelerate (internally at Rockstar)." Klippel further claims, "I think that a (real) announcement at the end of the year could be possible. In any case, I don't think the game will be out before the end of 2024!" The GTA 6 release window is pretty much in line with previous speculation. The game is rumored to be out in 2024 or 2025.

GTA 6 has apparently been in development since 2020, and the game's setting is expected to be Vice City. The game could be released on platforms like PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Unlike GTA 5, GTA 6 is expected to release simultaneously on console and PC. Additionally, online multiplayer could be an important part of GTA 6 considering how successful GTA Online has become.


The post GTA 6: Official announcement soon, release expected at the end of 2024 appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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