Huawei Watch GT Runner Firmware Update [ (C00M02)]

Huawei Watch GT Runner

The new Huawei Watch GT Runner gets another update. The watch has been available in Germany since the end of January . The new update is called (C00M02), is 61.3 MB in size and brings a few new features and improvements.

Huawei Watch GT Runner (C00M02) Changelog

Huawei Music user experience has been improved with this update.

Allows you to reply to instant messages from your watch when connected to an Android phone (only WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram are supported).

1. Huawei Music user experience has been improved.
2. Optimizing system stability in certain situations.

Huawei Ailesi

The Huawei Watch GT Runner Firmware Update [ (C00M02)] post appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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