iPhone SE 3 as a blockbuster: New Apple cell phone aims high

iPhone SE 3 as a blockbuster: New Apple cell phone aims high

Apple has big plans for the iPhone SE (2022) – because the cheapest iPhone should be a real blockbuster. Several million units are expected to be sold in the first few weeks. Above all, the 5G capability should convince customers.

iPhone SE 3: Apple expects great success

Although the differences between the iPhone SE from 2020 and the new model are limited at first glance, Apple is expecting a great sales success . Already in the first two weeks after publication, five million units should find happy buyers. In the coming quarter, a total of 11 million sales are expected. For the whole of 2022, it should be significantly more.

According to analysts, Apple expects to sell 30 million iPhone SEs by the end of the year (source: Digitimes). A look at the iPhone SE (2020) makes it clear that these are not illusory values. Here, too, 25 to 30 million units are said to have gone over the counter in the first year.

In particular, the 5G capability of the new iPhone SE should attract customers, so it is hoped. The predecessor only had an LTE module for mobile Internet. In addition to the more powerful processor, the 5G unit is the biggest difference between the two models. Instead of an Apple A13 Bionic, an Apple A15 Bionic sets the pace in the new iPhone SE - just like in the much more expensive models of the iPhone 13 series.

More about the new iPhone SE 3 in the video:

iPhone SE 3: Is the switch worth it?

Anyone who has been using an iPhone SE 2 so far may be wondering whether it is worth switching to the new model . What is certain is that the new version is more powerful and, thanks to 5G, has also become a whole corner more future-proof. If that should be decisive, then you are welcome to access it. Apart from 5G and the processor, it is almost the same smartphone. It sticks with a small 4.7-inch display and a single camera on the front.


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