Known from the Galaxy S22: Samsung brings new functions to older smartphones

Known from the Galaxy S22: Samsung brings new functions to older smartphones

About a month after its launch, the Galaxy S22 is still the focus of interest. But that doesn't mean that Samsung is neglecting its existing product range - quite the opposite. With the update to One UI 4.1, functions from the current flagship will soon land on older Samsung smartphones.

The fact that software support can be a key reason to buy has meanwhile penetrated the executive floors of the major smartphone manufacturers. Samsung is undoubtedly a prime example of this pleasing development. Most recently, the South Koreans even gave the four-year-old Galaxy S9 a security update. But the industry leader can do more than just plug security gaps .

Samsung is bringing camera features from the Galaxy S22 to older devices

With One UI 4.1 , Samsung has given the Galaxy S22 a number of new camera functions that made their debut last month. According to a Samsung employee (source: Samsung forum), they should now also be used on older Samsung smartphones (via Android Police). These include, for example, the portrait mode at night, pet detection or the integration of Snapchat. However, not every feature will be found on every Samsung cell phone, as the overview shows:

Night portrait mode : Galaxy S21, Galaxy S20, Galaxy Note 20, Galaxy Z Fold 2, Galaxy Z Fold 3, Galaxy Z Flip 5G, Galaxy Z Flip 3 Pet detection : Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 FE, Galaxy S20 FE, Galaxy Note 20, Galaxy Z Fold 2, Galaxy Z Fold 3, Galaxy Z Flip 5G, Galaxy Z Flip 3, Editing the lighting position : Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 FE, Galaxy S20 FE, Galaxy Z Fold 2, Galaxy Z Fold 3, Galaxy Z Flip 5G, Galaxy Z Flip 3, Portrait video telephoto lenses : Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 FE, Galaxy Z Fold 3 Extended directorial view : Galaxy S21, Galaxy Z Flip 3, Galaxy Z Fold 3 Snapchat integration : Galaxy S21

Do you already know what the power button on Samsung can do?

More Samsung smartphones and tablets will be updated to One UI 4.1

According to Samsung employees, the rollout of One UI 4.1 for the Galaxy S21 should take place immediately - at least in South Korea. However, no specific date has yet been set for other regions of the world. Later, the Galaxy S10 series, the Galaxy A series and the Galaxy Tab S series will also receive One UI 4.1 as an update (source: Samsung). Samsung is still silent on whether and if so, which of the camera functions will be part of the update.


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