MediaMarkt: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 with top rate & €100 bonus

MediaMarkt: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 with top rate & €100 bonus

If you are interested in the Galaxy Z Flip 3, you should check out MediaMarkt right now. The 256 GB version of the eye-catching Samsung smartphone is available there with an extremely cheap 5G tariff. We'll tell you why the offer is worth it.

Galaxy Z Flip 3: With a 20 GB 5G tariff for effectively €3 a month

At MediaMarkt you can currently get the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G (256 GB) including a tariff with 20 GB LTE/5G data volume, Allnet and SMS flat rate in the o2 network for 29.99 euros per month. In addition, there is a one-time surcharge of only 39 euros and a connection price of 39.99 euros. On top of that, there is a 100 euro exchange bonus on top of that. If you are flirting with the compact folding smartphone from Samsung, you can get a really good deal here, as our cost calculation below shows.

Tariff details at a glance

Tariff: Free M Network: o2 20 GB LTE/5G (up to 300 MBit/s) Allnet and SMS flat rate EU roaming including 100 euros switching bonus if you take your phone number with you 24-month contract period, 1 month's notice period

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 with o2 contract: That's why the offer is worth it

Overview of the costs of the tariff bundle Basic fee (monthly) EUR 29.99 additional payment (one-off, at the beginning of the contract) EUR 39 connection fee (one-off, at the beginning of the contract) EUR 39.99 Shipping costs (one-off) EUR 0 total costs after 24 months
(in the event of termination at the end of the minimum contract period,
monthly and one-time costs added) 798.76 euros device value
(current best online price according to 619 euros bonus for number portability 100 euros effective tariff tariff
(Total costs less device value) 79.76 euros Effective costs Tariff per month 3.32 euros View offer

According to the idealo price comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 (256 GB) currently costs at least 619 euros. If you subtract this value and the EUR 100 switching bonus from the total cost of the tariff bundle, EUR 79.76 remain for the tariff. Divided by the minimum term of 24 months, that is effectively only 3.32 euros per month . With a 5G-enabled 20 GB data volume, that's a real hit! The only thing to note is that the bundle is only available online and will probably not be available for long.

The calculation with the low price only works if you cancel at the end of the minimum term. If you should forget this, the contract will not be extended by another year, but can be terminated monthly with immediate effect.

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 can do that

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 has a 6.7-inch diagonal screen when unfolded. It also features a redesigned 1.9-inch front display, which is now four times larger than its predecessor. With its 8 GB of RAM , 128 GB of internal memory and the Snapdragon 888 processor with 8 cores and up to 2.84 GHz, the Flip 3 delivers more than enough performance for demanding applications of all kinds. This was also reflected in our flip test 3 shown. In addition, the device can be selected in 4 different colors.

You can read about how the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 feels in our test and see it in the following video :


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