Microsoft improves Xbox feature on iPhone & iPad

Microsoft improves Xbox feature on iPhone & iPad

Playing Xbox games on iPhone and iPad is now more enjoyable than ever: Microsoft has noticeably optimized the performance of the xCloud feature for iOS devices and is already getting positive feedback from gamers about the improvements.

Game Pass subscribers can also play their games on their mobile iOS devices thanks to streaming via xCloud. Microsoft has now given the performance of the Xbox feature a significant boost on the iPhone and iPad . The improvements are already having an effect on gamers and are already leading to significantly longer playing times.

Xbox improves cloud gaming for iOS users

Xbox has already rolled out the performance boost for iOS and announced it in a blog post. Although Microsoft is reluctant to provide exact details about the improvements, the game streaming experience on iPhones and iPads is now said to be smoother and offer better response times.

Players have obviously already welcomed the improved xCloud feature: Xbox announces in the blog post. that user feedback has been significantly more positive since the introduction of Boost and game sessions now last around 35 percent longer on average. So players seem to have already noticed the optimized gameplay. (Source: Xbox)

Microsoft: Game Pass feature will soon also be available with keyboard and mouse

At the end of the blog post, Microsoft advises players to continue using the xCloud feedback function in the future. In this way, the company can gradually improve the streaming feature for Game Pass subscribers and optimize the gaming experience. Incidentally, an innovation long awaited by gamers is already in the works: according to the developers of Microsoft Flight Simulator, gamers will soon be able to control their games via the streaming feature on the PC using the mouse and keyboard. Currently, gaming via streaming on the PC is only possible with a controller.

In our video we show you the best accessories for your Xbox:


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