Money rain for Apple: Small change on the iPhone brings billions

Money rain for Apple: Small change on the iPhone brings billions

Protecting the environment makes sense and, in the case of Apple, is actually profitable. By making a small change to the scope of delivery of the iPhone, the manufacturer was able to save tens of billions of euros or earn additional money. How much exactly? Analysis specialists have recently calculated this.

The outcry was initially great when Apple decided two years ago to no longer supply the power adapter and earphones with new iPhones . The manufacturer advertises this as a service to the environment, after all valuable resources are saved. Provided that customers use their existing power adapters and headphones.

iPhone without power adapter and headphones: Apple's profitable decision

But is that really the case? As analysis specialists have now calculated, the once controversial decision is causing a rain of money for Apple. Apple should therefore be able to generate around 32 euros extra for each iPhone sold. Makes a total of around 6 billion euros in profit since 2020 (Source: CCS Insight via Dailymail). The invoice then includes, among other things, cost savings due to the smaller packaging, the associated lower freight costs and, last but not least, increased sales through the sale of more accessories.

In summary: Apple's environmental awareness may be commendable, but in the end it also generates more sales and profits. Above all, it is still the case that Apple reduced the scope of delivery, but never passed on the monetary benefit to customers, as prices were not reduced. Now it turns out that they sell even more accessories and increase profits.

The new iPhone SE also lacks a power supply and earphones and it even got 40 euros more expensive this year:

Profitable follow-up purchases in the Apple Store

Logical, because you can of course use your old power supply, but if you want to charge faster or wirelessly, you can get the right accessories directly from Apple . This keeps the coffers full. It becomes even clearer with the headphones. According to the trend, people are more likely to get new and expensive AirPods than continue to use the old, wired EarPods. The environment may benefit in part, but Apple is still arguably the biggest winner.

By the way: Samsung is now also copying this procedure and omitting the power supply unit from the smartphones. First in the flagship models, in the future also in the middle class.


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