Motorola launches Android 12 update for Moto G30

Motorola Moto G30 Phantom Black

Back in December last year, Motorola unveiled a list of Moto smartphones that should receive the Android 12 update. Although the manufacturer had not mentioned a precise timeline for each smartphone, the Android 12 update for the Motorola Moto G30 ( review ) is now being distributed.

On the official Lenovo Community forums, several Moto G30 owners in Brazil have reported the arrival of the final OTA update. The Android 12 update package is just over 1GB in size and has the build number S0RCS32.41-10-9-2. This particular version is for the Brazilian Dual SIM variant of the Moto G30 (model number XT2129-1-DS). The update also brings with it the security patches for February 2022.

With this update, Motorola Moto G30 users can look forward to all the new features and changes introduced with Android 12, including the Material You dynamic color mechanism, sensor access indicators, privacy dashboard, approximate location sharing on an individual basis, and much more.

Currently, the Android 12 update appears to be rolling out only to Moto G30 devices in Brazil, but it should roll out to more regions in the next few weeks.

Lenovo Community forums

The Motorola launches Android 12 update for Moto G30 post appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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