Netflix wants to cash in: Now comes the extra fee for bargain hunters

Netflix wants to cash in: Now comes the extra fee for bargain hunters

Netflix is ​​getting more and more expensive and now there is the threat of an extra fee. The particularly clever bargain hunters then have to pay, namely those who simply share the Netflix account with friends and acquaintances. It could be more expensive for them now.

It is actually forbidden according to the terms of use and yet many Netflix customers have been using the trick for years. You simply give your access data to friends and acquaintances who are not at home, and they can watch for free or contribute to the original costs. It's cheaper for the actual customer, but Netflix gets nothing and can't generate any further subscriptions.

Netflix calls extra fee for viewers away from home

It is understandable that one would like to take action against this. So far, warnings have been limited in this regard in the USA, but this has usually not had any direct consequences. This will change, because in the future one would like to ask the onlookers or generous account lenders to pay up straight away and basically slap them an extra fee – to put it more diplomatically, one makes them an offer (source: Netflix).

Incidentally, the recent Netflix price increases were not quite right, more on that in the video:

Users should then pay around a third of the regular fees for such Netflix access and will receive their own profile and separate access. Of course, the actual account owner pays the extra fee on paper first. However, it should be possible to convert these shared accesses into full accounts later – so Netflix would like to win the viewers as full-paying customers sooner or later .

Netflix will initially test the new model in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru and will enable users there to split their subscriptions accordingly - officially and legally. Converted, the service then costs about 3 euros per month. The question arises: when will the bargain hunters have to pay here in Germany?

Have you seen everything on Netflix? We still have really good recommendations:

When do we have to expect that in Germany?

Netflix has not yet given a concrete answer, they would like to gain experience first, quote:

"We recognize that people have a wide range of entertainment choices. So we want to make sure that any new features are flexible and useful for our members, whose subscriptions fund all of our great TV and film offerings. We are working to understand the benefits of these two features for members in these three countries before making changes in other countries."

To put it comprehensibly: If the offer is accepted accordingly and is a success, then you can count on it being introduced on a broad, international level. Bad news for Netflix watchers and bargain hunters.


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