Now on Netflix: Do you already know this Spider-Man?

Now on Netflix: Do you already know this Spider-Man?

Most recently, Spider-Man provided exciting entertainment in the cinema, but the superhero is now up to mischief again on Netflix. The following film may even be a real tip that not everyone knows. The only important thing is that you have to put aside your own aversion to animated films.

As of this week, Marvel fans can watch "Spider-Man: No Way Home" as a digital release on Amazon, Apple and other video services – for a fee, of course. Important to know: We cannot see the film within the Disney+ flat rate. Why? We already clarified in another article. But there is another current Spider-Man and his name is not Peter Parker. I beg your pardon?

Now on Netflix: Spider-Man: A New Universe

If you don't know yet, Sony already staged a full-length, computer-animated superhero film with "Spider-Man: A New Universe" in 2018, which has it all. It's now also available on Netflix (available since March 11) . Ideal for anyone who hasn't seen it and only knew the Real Spider-Man movies (watch Spider-Man: A New Universe on Netflix).

A trailer whets the appetite for more:

In the film , however, Miles Morales puts on the spider costume and not Peter Parker . Although he also has an appearance, there are other spider heroes as well. The original title "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" could be a guide in this regard, because Sony successfully positioned the multiverse even before the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Small spoiler: Anyone who has always wanted to see or rather hear Nicolas Cage or his German voice Martin Kessler as Spider-Man can't avoid "Spider-Man: A New Universe".

But how good can such an animated film actually be? I was also skeptical at first, but overcame my prejudices and took a look. I have not looked back. "Spider-Man: A New Universe" doesn't have to fear comparison with films from the MCU and is still heartwarmingly different. But it always remains damn good entertainment. Just a subjective opinion? Maybe, but IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes also agree with me.

The sequel will be released in autumn, a first look:

Critics have a clear opinion

In the film database, it is enough for 8.4 out of 10 possible points or stars. For comparison: "Spider-Man: No Way Home" is currently not much better with 8.6 points and "Avengers: Endgame" is the same as the previous best MCU film. Even more clearly Rotten Tomatoes: An insane 97 percent on the tomatometer of the professional critics and 93 percent positive approval from the audience.

In short: look! By the way, in October of this year the first part of the sequel will be released - "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse". So now is exactly the right time to join Netflix so that you can have a say later.


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