Samsung CEO apologizes for app throttling on Galaxy S22

Samsung Galaxy S22 series

During Samsung's annual shareholder meeting today, the CEO apologized for the controversy over app throttling on the new flagship Galaxy S22. He apologized for shipping the phones with a pre-installed app that limits app performance.

JH Han, CEO of Samsung DeX Division, said it didn't address customers' concerns about app throttling and apologized. After the Samsung Galaxy S22 series shipped, customers had reported that the Game Optimizing Service was throttling the performance of nearly 10,000 apps.

Amid the app throttling debate, some Korean Galaxy S22 buyers have reportedly sued Samsung for throttling apps and games, demanding damages. Also, South Korea's Fair Trade Commission launched an investigation into counterfeit advertising such as "the best effort ever."

At Wednesday's shareholder meeting, the Samsung CEO explained that the Game Optimizing Service app is designed to optimize smartphone performance and prevent overheating when playing games or running high-demand apps.


The post Samsung CEO apologizes for app throttling on Galaxy S22 appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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