Samsung Galaxy A33 5G and Galaxy A53 5G presale started in Germany

Samsung Galaxy A53 5G headers

The two new models Samsung Galaxy A33 5G and Galaxy A53 5G can now be pre-ordered in Germany. The models are now available at 1&1. And the devices are quite interesting, not only in terms of price.

Both smartphone models are now available in advance from 1&1 with a tariff for a one-off payment starting at 0 euros. Pre-orderers receive the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live in white worth EUR 149.00 (RRP) for free when purchasing the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G. Until April 18th you will receive an additional EUR 50.00 when you buy the model and send in an old device.

The all-net flat rates LTE XS to 5G XXL with a monthly mobile data volume of 1 GB to unlimited are available for both models. The devices are available in the colors Awesome Black, Awesome White, Awesome Blue and Awesome Peach. The official start of sales for the A53 5G is April 1, 2022. The A33 5G should officially be available on the market from April 22, 2022.

Samsung Galaxy A33 5G at 1&1

Samsung Galaxy A53 5G at 1&1

The post Samsung Galaxy A33 5G and Galaxy A53 5G pre-sales started in Germany first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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