Samsung Galaxy S22 series: Update fixes throttling

Samsung Galaxy S22 series

After various countries, the update for lifting the throttling has now also arrived in Germany for the Samsung Galaxy S22 series. The so-called "Game Optimizing Service" (GOS)" should prevent the models from overheating, for example during games.

The new update no longer limits the performance of the CPU and GPU in games. This has the designation S90XBXXU1AVC6 and will be distributed in Germany with immediate effect. Furthermore, the March 2022 update is still included and the camera and the general stability and security of the system are also being improved.


• When you run this software update, your device will:
- Do not limit CPU/GPU performance at the beginning of the game
* Run a power management function based on the temperature of the device
- Use the Alternative Game Performance Management mode in Game Booster
- allow third party apps to bypass the game optimization service
• Camera stability has been improved.
• The overall stability of your device has been improved.
• The security of your device has been improved.


The post Samsung Galaxy S22 series: Update fixes throttling appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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