Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has the same slow motion limitation as the Galaxy S21 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra colors header

Given that the cameras on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra are mostly identical to those on the Galaxy S21 Ultra - with a few not-so-minor tweaks here and there. However, some of its weaknesses have also been inherited.

A cursory look at Samsung's official website reveals that the Galaxy S22 Ultra cannot record slow-motion videos at 960 FPS, despite having the hardware to do so. The Samsung Galaxy S22 and Galaxy S22+, on the other hand, can easily do this. We already saw that with the Galaxy S21 Ultra and Galaxy S21/Galaxy S21+ last year.

The likely cause of the Galaxy S22 Ultra not being able to record videos at 960 FPS could be due to the limitations of the sensor, so Samsung cannot easily enable the feature via OTA upgrade. Not everyone is likely to use the feature, but it's frustrating that such an expensive phone doesn't support this feature, especially when its cheaper siblings offer it.


The post Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has the same slow motion limitation as the Galaxy S21 Ultra first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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