Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra render image

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Phantom Black

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has shed the traditional Galaxy S Ultra design and offers the great combination of the Galaxy Note series and the unbeatable performance of the Galaxy S series. This combination seems to be extremely popular with the fans. And the next Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra should also appear with the same design.

Now there is a first render image of the possible Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra from HoiINDI. This shows the same design as the current flagship. However, the front of the phone is a bit different, the front camera is installed below the display.

Also, the Galaxy S23 Ultra appears to have the same camera lens arrangement as its predecessor. The quad-camera sensors have even more reduced islands, making the smartphone thinner.

It remains to be seen whether the final model will actually look like this. Because you know that concept renders never actually show the finished model.

Sammy fans

The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra render image post first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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