Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 falling in price: 10.5-inch Android tablet much cheaper

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 falling in price: 10.5-inch Android tablet much cheaper

With the Galaxy Tab A8, Samsung has launched a really interesting Android tablet that should appeal to a wide audience with its 10.5-inch display and an extremely low price. In the meantime, the price has already fallen, so that the Android tablet is currently available at a comparatively low price. Optionally also with LTE modem.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 in price drop

When Samsung presented the Galaxy Tab A8 in mid-December 2021, the recommended retail price was 229 euros. Although the price was already very attractive in itself, it has now fallen noticeably again. Amazon currently only charges 184.50 euros (see Amazon) and thus undercuts all other retailers. The version with an LTE modem is also cheaper. Instead of 279 euros, you currently only have to pay 229.00 euros (look at Amazon).

But you have to be careful when choosing the color. Not every color is offered at the same price . We have linked the cheapest versions for you. Some are only 50 cents more expensive, while others are considerably more. So be careful which version you order.

For the Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 there is also the "One UI 4.1" update with many improvements:

What makes the Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 so interesting?

The Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 succeeds the Galaxy Tab A7, which sold extremely well. You get a relatively powerful and large Android tablet for a small price . Especially now after the price drop, the new generation is even more interesting. At 180 euros you can't go far wrong. For consuming content, watching videos and playing games, this Android tablet is just perfect.

So it's not surprising that the ratings for the Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 on Amazon are so good. There are 4.3 out of 5 stars with over 350 votes cast (look at Amazon). The tablet is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. There is a special children's mode that allows safe use.


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