Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 gets security patch in March 2022 [T875XXS2CVC4]

Samsung Galaxy Tab S7

Samsung began rolling out the March 2022 security update to Galaxy devices in the last week of February. The Galaxy S22 was the first phone to receive the update, and over the past few weeks the update has been rolling out to various high-end and mid-range smartphones. Now the update has also reached the Galaxy Tab S7, Samsung's flagship tablet of 2020.

The latest software update for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 comes with firmware version T875XXS2CVC4. It includes the March 2022 security patch that fixes more than 50 security vulnerabilities. The update also includes bug fixes and device stability improvements.

Samsung has released the update in various European countries including Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Nordic countries, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Southeastern Europe, Spain, Switzerland, the Baltic region, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Great Britain.

As always, the update will be rolled out in waves, some of you may have to wait a few more days for the update to appear. In the settings under software update you can check whether it is already available.


The post Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 gets March 2022 security patch [T875XXS2CVC4] appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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