Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic: Amazon sells Smartwatch at a ridiculous price

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic: Amazon sells Smartwatch at a ridiculous price

The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 has enjoyed great popularity since its launch in August 2021. However, the smartwatch has already experienced a sharp drop in price. Now Amazon is reducing the price even further with a voucher and even extending the guarantee to 36 months.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 in price drop

If you haven't bought a Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 yet, you can currently get a really good deal with the classic version at Amazon. There, the smartwatch is sold in various versions with a discount of up to 80 euros (look at Amazon). You have to activate this on the product page. This results in really good prices on Amazon:

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic with 42 mm for 149 euros (instead of 229 euros) Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic with 46 mm for 199 euros (instead of 259 euros)

The offer applies to all Classic models with WiFi in black and silver. On top of that, Amazon offers an extended guarantee of 36 months . So here you are covered for three years instead of just two. Strike while the prices are still valid.

What makes the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 so special?

Samsung has completely redesigned the Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Watch 4 Classic and switched the operating system from Tizen to Wear OS 3.0. We worked closely with Google to do this. Samsung has also developed a new processor that should ensure high performance and runtime, and installed a new sensor that analyzes body composition. The design of the watches has been optimized and you now have a choice of two models.

The biggest advantage of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Watch 4 Classic is the app selection. You now get access to all Google apps and services . With the switch from Samsung to this operating system, many developers are stepping on the gas again. For example, Spotify has finally released the offline feature. So there's still a lot to come. In the test, the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic was partially convincing.


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