Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: Smartwatch fixes the biggest bug of its predecessor

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: Smartwatch fixes the biggest bug of its predecessor

The first details of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 have already come to light. Accordingly, the successor to the Galaxy Watch 4 should solve a problem of the predecessor and last longer in everyday life. An important new sensor should also make the difference.

Stronger battery in Samsung Galaxy Watch 5

The Galaxy Watch 5 from Samsung is not yet just around the corner. It should be a few months before the smartwatch with Wear OS is officially presented. Nevertheless, several details about the equipment have recently become known that are quite promising. Information on the smartwatch battery is now available for the first time. This should be a bit larger compared to the predecessor.

Notes on the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 can be read from an official submission on the smartwatch. The 40 mm version of the watch should therefore have a battery with a capacity of 276 mAh .

For comparison: the direct predecessor has 247 mAh. It's not the same as a revolution, but a stronger battery is of course always welcome. Even with the larger version of the smartwatch, the capacity of the built-in battery should increase accordingly (source: SamMobile).

Everything about the current Galaxy Watch 4 in the video:

With a new sensor , the Galaxy Watch 5 could also set itself apart from the competition. A temperature sensor is reportedly included. If necessary, owners can read their body temperature on the wrist. The smartwatch should also make itself felt if there are signs of fever, which is not only useful in Corona times. It is to be hoped that Samsung will open up the feature to everyone and not just Galaxy phone owners.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: presentation in the third quarter

It is currently expected that Samsung will launch the next Galaxy Watch along with new Galaxy Buds Live in Q3 2022 . However, there is still no information available about a classic version. Samsung made the Galaxy Watch 4 (Classic) available at the end of August 2021.


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