Samsung is developing a smartphone that has never existed before

Samsung is developing a smartphone that has never existed before

What will the smartphone of the future look like? Samsung has something in development that can be used not only as a phone but also as a tablet. The new device is even more sophisticated than the company's previous folding devices.

Samsung develops dual folding cell phone

Samsung wants to continue to push the development of foldable smartphones. In a patent application you can already see what could soon await us as a finished device. Samsung wants to build a smartphone that folds in two places. Similar to the Galaxy Fold, the new device should be able to be used as a smartphone and tablet. LetsGoDigital has now visualized what this could look like.

If you fold the two sides backwards, the tablet becomes a smartphone. When opened, you would have a really large display and would replace a normal tablet. Basically, Samsung could do without the second display on the outside , as it has been used up to now, and only use a single large foldable screen. Ultimately, this would give you significantly more space for productive work.

That's why Samsung also wants to integrate support for the stylus. While the S Pen doesn't slide into the device, it does tuck away on the back between the folded-back screens. Another idea works similarly, where the S Pen fits into a notch between the back.

Samsung has other ideas

Samsung not only wants to build foldable smartphones, but also ones where the display can be pulled out. The possibilities are far from exhausted and Samsung is one of the few companies that not only has crazy ideas, but also implements them. Several folding cell phones are expected this year . The show is scheduled to take place in the fall. It remains to be seen whether the double foldable smartphone will be part of it. Patents do not always have to end in real products.


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