Telekom snapper: 10 GB tariff for only 10 euros per month

Telekom snapper: 10 GB tariff for only 10 euros per month

Inexpensive mobile phone tariffs in the Telekom network are few and far between, but Mobilcom-Debitel has now turned the price screw properly: For only 9.99 euros a month you get 10 GB of LTE data volume including an Allnet flat rate. However, the offer is only valid for a very short time.

10 GB tariff in the Telekom network at a bargain price

For a short time, Mobilcom-Debitel is offering the Telekom "green LTE" tariff with 10 GB of data volume and Allnet flat rate at a special price. Instead of 26.99 euros per month, you currently only pay 9.99 euros, which corresponds to a saving of 60 percent . You save the connection price if you send an SMS with the content "AG Online" to 22240 within 2 weeks after activation. However, the offer is only valid until March 25, 2022.

All important details of the "green LTE 10 GB" tariff at a glance:

Provider Mobilcom-Debitel Network Telekom Data volume 10 GB LTE (max. 25 MBit/s) Telephony Flat SMS 19 cents EU roaming including minimum term 24 months notice period 1 month connection costs
(one-off) EUR 39.99 (will be reimbursed by SMS) Tariff costs (monthly) EUR 9.99

You can find out in our video how phone number portability works smoothly:

Telekom bargains: For whom is the Mobilcom-Debitel offer worthwhile?

The action is worthwhile for everyone who

already own a smartphone and are looking for a cheap tariff, value the Telekom network, which is also very well developed in rural areas, get along with a speed limit of 25 MBit/s (enough for practically everything, including full HD video streaming) want to spend as little as possible for an all-network flat rate with 10 GB LTE data volume in the Telekom network.

The calculation with the low price only works if you cancel at the end of the minimum contract period. If you should forget that, the contract will not be extended by another year, but can be canceled monthly.

We have summarized other SIM-only bargains in the Telekom network for you here:


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