The latest from MIUI will improve the sound of your headphones instantly

Xiaomi does not stop updating and adding new MIUI features. Although, a few days ago we revealed the latest update to the Control Center , this time the firm has incorporated a new setting that will improve the sound , especially that of the headphones that we have connected.

As they tell us from MIUIes , Xiaomi has incorporated a new option to the MIUI sound effects, which allows us to generate a virtual surround effect , improving the sound of our headphones instantly.

MIUI receives new settings to generate a surround sound effect

As we can see in the following image, the MIUI sound effects section has expanded its possibilities in the latest beta , specifically in the V13.22.3.12 week, which for now has only been deployed in China.

Lo último de MIUI mejorará el sonido de tus auriculares de forma instantánea. Noticias Xiaomi A

This new option, called Virtual Surround Sound, will be able to improve the sound of our headphones instantly, enriching its depth when playing audio or video .

Thanks to this new option we will be able to emulate a 5.1 audio effect , that is, to virtually place sounds in space in order to recreate a scene. One more small adjustment, which ultimately expands the possibilities of MIUI once again.

via | MIUIes

The entry The latest from MIUI will improve the sound of your headphones instantly was published first on XIAOMIADDICT: Xiaomi news and news website


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