Where are the downloads saved on your Xiaomi and how to change the destination path

In general, whether you have a Xiaomi, Redmi, POCO or any other Android device, downloads are made in the same path . This happens for almost any download, especially those carried out through Chrome or another browser.

Specifically, the path where the downloads made with your Xiaomi are saved is in the internal memory, this being Shared internal storage> Download. If you access, for example through the File Manager, you will find any document, image, etc. that you have downloaded .

In addition, this route can be modified , establishing the one that we like the most in order to have a better organization. Of course, this setting is not found centrally in MIUI, but we will have to modify it specifically in each application.

Change the download path of your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO

In general, the vast majority of downloads are usually done through the Chrome browser . Fortunately, this allows us to change the path where the downloads will be stored. To modify it, we will only have to perform these steps:

Dónde se guardan las descargas en tu Xiaomi y como cambiar la ruta de destino. Noticias Xiaomi A

  1. Enter the Chrome application and then access the Downloads section through the three points in the upper right area.
  2. Once inside, click on the toothed wheel and in the Download location section, change the route.

In general, these same steps are the usual ones in practically any browser or application that allows you to change the download path . Following the same steps you can modify the location where any file downloaded to your Xiaomi will be stored.

Additionally, some Xiaomi devices, especially POCO, allow you to change the download path from MIUI . To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access the Downloads app
  2. Once inside we will access the Settings from the three points in the upper right
  3. Finally, we modify the download path if it allows us to do so.

The entry Where are the downloads stored on your Xiaomi and how to change the destination path was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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