Xiaomi neck massager pendant on sale

Neck pain has become a widespread problem. More and more people work remotely and for this they spend hours in front of a computer, this coupled with poor posture when doing so leads to cervical pain .

promoción xiaomi youpin colgante cervical masaje ofertas descuento

Sudden movements, tensions, are other causes of cervical pain , but regardless of the origin of the discomfort, Xiaomi has launched a device on the market that seems to be the answer to this, it is a very effective multifunctional massage pendant .

Features of the Xiaomi cervical massager

  • The Xiaomi YouPin massager has a discreet, very practical design, it is used as a pendant.
  • It has a weight of 85 grams .
  • It has a 580 mAh battery, thanks to this the device has a range of 1,350 minutes.
  • It has a USB Type-C cable to recharge, said cable is located in the pendant itself.

pendant massager xiaomi

How does the Xiaomi massage pendant work?

The Xiaomi massager is made up of two thermal pads that you must place in the cervical area, once you do so and turn on the device, it begins to emit vibrations thanks to electro-muscular stimulation technology.

It generates heat and massage at the same time, which leads to total relaxation and relief of tension in the cervical area .

The Xiaomi massager pendant is easy to use and portable , thanks to its reduced weight and size. No matter where you are, thanks to its structure you can use the massager and continue with your daily routine without any problem.


Price and where to buy the Xiaomi neck massager pendant

This gadget can already be found on Aliexpress with free shipping worldwide and with a price of less than €47 to change.

See Xiaomi cervical massage pendant


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