Hot or not? This is what the Nothing Phone (1) looks like

Nothing Phone (1)

Now we finally have a full look at the back of the Nothing Phone (1). And yes, it is probably transparent. However, you can't really see anything of the components. Do you like it? you have to decide Anyway, it's something different.

After 2 teasers, there is finally a final look at the back of the Nothing Phone (1). The new startup from OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei will finally present the smartphone on July 12th.

The wireless charging coil seems to be the main element seen here. A Nothing logo can also be seen on the back of the device. A dual camera can also be seen, hopefully Nothing has chosen a good camera setup here.

Otherwise, the phone has flat edges and iPhone-style antenna strips on the top and bottom. This is consistent with the images the company previously teased.

What do you think of the design of the Nothing Phone (1)?

The post Hot or not? This is what the Nothing Phone (1) looks like first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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