Xiaomi Band 7: German price and start of sales

Xiaomi Band 7

Xiaomi announced the launch of the Xiaomi Band 7 for Germany today. And unfortunately it will probably be significantly more expensive than the predecessor and also than expected. But first things first.

The Xiaomi Band 7 will be available in Germany from tomorrow, June 22nd. It should cost EUR 59.99, which is a hefty premium compared to the predecessor. At the start, however, Xiaomi has planned an early bird campaign.

You can get the fitness tracker for EUR 49.99 at the beginning, so Xiaomi grants a price reduction of EUR 10.00. And that saves you a little. So if you've been waiting for the Xiaomi Band 7, starting tomorrow you can buy it directly from Xiaomi or Amazon, among others.

The Xiaomi Band 7 post: German price and sales launch first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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