Honor announces new line-up of devices at IFA on September 2nd

Honor IFA 2022 event

Honor has confirmed that the company will attend IFA 2022 in Berlin this year and has also revealed some details about the event.

During the IFA 2022 in Berlin, Honor will hold its events on site and also online via a live stream. The launch event will take place on September 2nd at 5:00 p.m. in Berlin.

Honor has revealed that the company will announce a whole new range of products at the upcoming IFA 2022, but has not yet revealed which products will actually be launched.

The teaser poster released by the company features different types of products, including a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, a pair of True Wireless Earbuds or TWS Earbuds, and a house based on smart home solutions, among other things indicates.

The slogan of the poster reads "Embracing the Connected Future", which suggests a connection with the connection of multiple devices.

press release

The post Honor announces new line-up of devices at IFA on September 2nd appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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