With Klarmobil: 20 GB Vodafone Allnet Flat for 9.99 euros

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Klarmobil is screwing up its tariffs again. Now there is a 20 GB tariff in the Vodafone network , which is now available for an unbelievably low EUR 9.99. You have to search for a long time to find such a cheap offer.

After the first two years, the tariff then costs EUR 29.99 again. In return you get an Allnet and SMS flat rate, 20 GB with a maximum of 50 MBit/s, VoLTE, WiFi calling, EU roaming and eSIM is also possible.

Key data of the tariff:

  • Flat Internet 20 GB with up to 50 Mbit/s
  • Vodafone network
  • LTE included
  • flat telephony
  • Flat SMS
  • LTE (no 5G)
  • VoLTE & WiFi call capable
  • eSIM possible
  • Connection price EUR 19.99
  • EUR 9.99 per month
  • Flexible contract start possible
  • 24 months contract term

The contribution At Klarmobil: 20 GB Vodafone Allnet Flat for 9.99 euros first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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