Amazon Music Unlimited: Stream for free for three months

Amazon Music Unlimited

Amazon Music is enticing again with an offer. All users who do not yet have an active subscription can now use the Amazon Music Unlimited streaming service for three months free of charge. There are now more than 90 million songs there.

New Prime customers or those who have not yet had an Amazon Music subscription can now use Amazon Music Unlimited for three months free of charge. this is how Amazon hopes to gain a few new paying subscribers. And that usually works.

After the 3 months of free listening, the offer will automatically convert to a paid subscription if you don't cancel. So if you want to be on the safe side, you should cancel the offer immediately, don't worry, the 3 months are still free.

The promotion only applies to users who have not yet had an Amazon Music subscription. At least that's how it's always been.

The post Amazon Music Unlimited: Stream for free for three months first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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