Google Pixel 7 series launch date revealed by trusted source

Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro

A well-known tipster just revealed the release date of the Google Pixel 7 series. According to Jon Prosser, Google's next flagship smartphone will be officially unveiled on October 6th.

Citing "very reputable sources," the source says pre-orders for the two devices will start on October 6. Based on this information, one can assume that the launch event will also take place on this day.

The Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro will then also be available from October 13th. So now we know when the two devices will be presented and when they will be available in stores.

But with Jon Prosser you always have to be a bit careful, sometimes what he leaks is right, but often it goes wrong. Let's see if the devices will really be presented at the beginning of October.


Google Pixel 7 series launch date revealed by trusted source first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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